Programmable Low Temperature Test Chamber

Temp. Range:-70~+180℃; Internal space dimension(mm):800 × 500 × 500; Variable volume: 200L;

SKU: 123456 Category:
General Details
  • Programmable Low Temperature Test Chamber Widely used in cold tests and cryogenic storage of electrical products, materials, components and equipment in aerospace, aviation, information, electronics, instrumentation and other industries;
  • Dual-stage compressor, superb cooling capacity
    Highest temperature change ability like surface temperature change rate 20 ℃ / min, up to a predetermined maximum rate of temperature change test capability.
  • Evenly distributed temperature, perfect linear control;
  • Use air volume & wind speed automatic adjustment, high-speed processing temperature controllers, electronic expansion valves and other advanced technologies, curb the surface temperature difference of the sample product, achieve a linear control accuracy;
    Temperature Rapid Change Test Chamber
    HS02560KWⅡF 0.6×0.6×0.7    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃.
    Temp. change rate: 5℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 15Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS02560KWⅢ 0.6×0.6×0.7    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:10℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 12Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS05060KW 0.7×0.8×0.9    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:5℃/min(-40℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with no load.)
    HS05060KWⅡ 0.7×0.8×0.9    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:5℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 25Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS05060KWⅢ 0.7×0.8×0.9    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:10℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 25Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS05060KWⅣ 0.7×0.8×0.9    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃,Condensing cylinders
    Temp. change rate:15℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 25Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS10160KW 0.9×1.15×1.1   Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:5℃/min(-40℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with no load.)
    HS10160KWII 0.9×1.15×1.1   Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:5℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with no load.)
    HS10160KWⅢ 0.9×1.15×1.1   Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:10℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 70Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS10160KWⅣ 0.9×1.15×1.1   Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃,Condensing cylinders
    Temp. change rate:15℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 70Kg aluminum ingots.)
    HS10260KWⅣ 1.2×1.4×1.2    Temp. range:-70℃~+150℃
    Temp. change rate:15℃/min(-55℃↔+85℃,Overall average rate, with a load of 100Kg aluminum ingots+1KW.)
Techical Info

Programmable Low Temperature Test Chamber (WGD Series)

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